Since 2004

Shamelessly Entertaining You...

Matt "the absent-minded professor"

​Matt has been called a shameless self-promoter, a hustler, a genius, an idea-smith, a professional mess, a dreamer and a host of other nasty names.  Whatever you decide to call him, there's no disputing that his odd combination of vast trivial knowledge and incredible knack for seemingly useless skills somehow "works".  Whether it is discovering new talent in A&R at Sony/BMG's Columbia Records, working with Sony Television to find locations for scenes of the hit show New Girl, or talking tech with developers on our new app, Localyze, this Berklee College of Music grad has a talent for working with people that is simply unmatched.     

The Merry Band of Idiots

​Behind Matt (and often cleaning up after the trail of cookie crumbs and empty Diet Coke cans he leaves in his wake) is the Merry Band of Idiots.  Far from a derogatory slur, the name is meant as a term of endearment, for without these amazing chaps and chap-ettes, MT Heads, as a business, would simply not be possible.  They are the ones who cobble the ideas into cognizant well-thought out and businessy-type plans.   They are the proverbial "adults in the room".  Where Matt is the Penn, they are the Teller.  He does all of the talking, but it is pretty clear who's doing most of the actual work. It isn't entirely clear why they've elected to follow him on his various journeys of absurdity, but it is quite fortunate for all involved that they have.  In your dealings with MT Heads Entertainment, you may be so lucky as to come across one of these Merry Men or Women...just don't call them idiots.  It's impolite and unprofessional.